4B Systems Podcasts
Check out 4B Systems’ social media podcasts and learn more about us, our work and the products we offer.
Kanał 4B Systems
Advertisements, implementations, discussions, digitization of companies from 4B Systems.
Kanał SalesWizard CRM
Tutorials, updates and tips on SalesWizard CRM functionality.
Kanał Foodeliver
Information on the Foodeliver system. Tips, tutorials, and information on foodservice marketing.
Biznesowy Soft
Channel on TikTok – information about all our SaaS products, programming. Tips and video tutorials of our products.
Kanał 4B Systems
Check out our channel on Pinterest! Information about products and services, tips and tricks on how to use our software.
Fanpage 4B Systems
Check out our Facebook page. Information, news, tips from the IT world.