Framework Flutter

Flutter characteristics:

Framework Flutter

When we get tools prepared by Google, we can be sure that this solution will make life much easier. It is no different with Flutter technology, which debuted just in 2017. A little over 5 years was enough for Flutter to become the second most popular tool for writing mobile apps.

What it is Flutter?

Flutter is to a programmer what a screwdriver with interchangeable sockets is to an auto repair shop. It is a set of development tools designed to create cross-platform mobile applications using a common code base. Flutter will ensure that there are no inconsistencies – one code for all these platforms allows for graphical consistency. The aesthetics are, of course, followed by the mechanics – on each platform, a given tile, a given link or a given animation will trigger the same result. The result of the collaboration between Google and independent developers means that many IT developers are sincerely pleased with the convenience of a ready-made toolkit.

Application Flutter

One tool – made available in open source in May 2017 – that addresses a range of challenges. Which ones? If only because the appearance of the app can differ on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows or Linux. Flutter is a technology designed for writing primarily mobile applications. However, with the help of this toolkit we will also successfully create web and computer applications – hence in our list at least Windows or macOS. Flutter is undoubtedly a sensational solution for those customers who want to deliver their application to a variety of platforms. In Poland’s backyard, Flutter was used in the design of the Lotto application, while globally, Xianyu, a project from Alibaba Group, was used.

Why choose solutions in Flutter?

Flutter technology is a commonly used toolkit. The essence is that Flutter allows you to efficiently create the desired solutions and high productivity. This is possible thanks to the Dart language, which allows you to create a single code for multiple platforms – this unitarity means even better implementation. Working in Flutter may remind some people of stacking blocks, thanks to its widget mechanics. This makes the UI side of the application extremely customizable for the developer. Another advantage of Flutter is the “Hot Reload” option, i.e. the ability to track the changes being made live. Any code modification can be immediately displayed on the device, which is extremely important when working with people who are not necessarily familiar with the realities of IT.

What kind of projects can you do in Flutter?

See examples of using the Flutter framework language.

Mobile applications

B2B and B2C mobile apps, economy sharing and more, running on Android and iOS platforms.

Start your project with Flutter technology now.

Are you ready to tell us more about your project in Flutter? Get in touch and schedule a no-obligation consultation.

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