Strengthening the IT team
Outsourcing your development team
- Filling in the skills gaps
- Security and confidentiality of cooperation
- Broad technology stack
- Flexible expansion of the team

Programmers available on demand in narrow specialties
Working on in-house and outsourced projects requires a high level of intensity and accessibility to a cadre of programmers with diverse specializations.
In addition, the selection of the wrong people for the project can significantly slow down the progress of programming work.
In such situations, you may need external support – a qualified team of programmers who will take on the assigned tasks on demand.
Why strengthen your IT team by outsourcing the work of programmers?
Outsourcing the work of developers is the fastest way to speed up the work in your project.
Read why you should use our services and schedule a project consultation!
Szeroki stack technologiczny
Dostęp do szerokiego spectrum specjalistów z technologii front-endowych i back-endowych - od popularnych do niszowych.
Bezpieczeństwo i poufność
Nasz zespół zapewnia poufność współpracy i wysokie standardy bezpieczeństwa.
Dopasowanie umiejętności do oczekiwań
Otrzymasz programistów o kompetencjach i doświadczeniu odpowiadającemu Twoim potrzebom.
Szybki onboarding
Szybki proces wdrożenia naszych programistów do Twojego projektu.
Elastyczność zaangażowania
Nasze zaangażowanie czasowe w Twój projekt będzie adekwatne do Twoich potrzeb i może zostać dowolnie sparametryzowane.
When is strengthening the IT team necessary?
Strengthening IT teams is a flexible model used by organizations to adapt to changing needs and increase flexibility.
It is used not only by software companies (software houses) for outsourced projects, but also by internal departments of companies and corporations developing solutions for their own needs.
See what benefits you’ll get from outsourcing IT developers:
- Quickly scale resources as needed for the project
- Additional verification of the competence of new colleagues by an external IT entity - another software house
- Access to market-verified experts
- Flexibility in cooperation - adapting working hours to the planned goal

Specializations of development teams
We offer teams of front-end and back-end developers in broad specializations.
Python is a simple and easy-to-read programming language, known for its versatility and popularity among programmers.
Laravel is an open-source, PHP-based framework for developing web applications. It has gained popularity thanks to its intuitive API, built-in database and authorization tools, and a routing system that makes it easy to build applications.
Symfony is also a PHP-based framework for developing web applications. It is distinguished by its modularity, which allows developers to use only the components they need. It also has tools to make testing and debugging applications easier.
Want to strengthen your development team?
Are you looking for proven developers with unique skills, experience and high coding culture?
Contact us, tell us about your needs and project.
Outsourcing IT and strengthening the team. Questions and answers
Can we enter into an NDA confidentiality agreement?
Of course, we can enter into a confidentiality agreement, also known as an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement).
An NDA is a legal instrument that ensures the protection of the confidentiality of information between parties.
In the context of our cooperation, entering into an NDA can be particularly important to protect sensitive data and provide our clients with full assurance that their information will remain confidential.
Who owns the software copyright when outsourcing programmers?
When it comes to copyright issues in the case of outsourcing programmers, usually the software copyright belongs to the company that outsourced the project.
There are many factors that can affect who will own the copyright, but this is usually agreed upon in the contract between the outsourcer and the contractor.
An outsourcing contract usually stipulates that all copyrights to the software created pass to the outsourcing company.
However, for specific projects or legal issues, there may be differences.
That’s why it’s important to carefully review the contract and regulate copyrights in a way that is satisfactory to both parties before starting cooperation.
Do we offer outsourcing of PHP programmers?
Yes, we offer outsourcing PHP developers.
Our company provides experienced PHP developers who can help you with projects related to the development of web applications, websites, content management systems (CMS), CRM systems and much more.
Our specialists have the knowledge and skills needed to work effectively on the project, adapting to the client’s requirements and ensuring high quality code.
Do we offer outsourcing of Python programmers?
Yes, we offer outsourcing of Python programmers.
Our company provides skilled Python programmers who are experienced in developing a variety of applications and solutions based on this programming language.
Whether you need support in building web applications, data analysis, machine learning or process automation, our Python programmers are ready to help you with your projects.
Is it possible to get a team of programmers who program in technologies other than those you specialize in?
Yes, there is such a possibility.
Although our company mainly specializes in technologies such as Python and PHP, we can also provide a team of developers working in other technologies and frameworks, depending on the needs of the project.
We work with a variety of specialists with different skills and experience, which allows us to flexibly adapt to the client’s requirements.
How soon can IT outsourced programmers start working?
The speed with which our programmers can start working on your project depends on several factors, including the availability of human resources, the scope of the project, recruitment processes and any administrative paperwork.
However, with many outsourcing companies, the process can be relatively quick and flexible.
If we have a spare team of programmers or access to a pool of qualified candidates, they can start work virtually immediately after signing the contract.
In addition, our flexibility allows us to quickly adapt to the client’s needs, which can speed up the start-up process.
For more complex projects or specialized requirements, the recruitment and team preparation process may take a little longer to ensure adequate availability and quality of candidates.
In any case, the key to getting developers up and running quickly is clear communication, understanding of project requirements and cooperation between the client and the outsourcing provider to ensure a smooth start-up process.
Can you take over an existing project abandoned by another software house?
Of course it does. In such a situation, however, we may not be talking about outsourcing IT or strengthening the IT team, but about taking over a project.
If you have such a project that needs to be taken over we are open to cooperation.
At the beginning, however, it is necessary to analyze the project, the code and the available documentation, verify the technologies and frameworks used.
Write to us or call us if you want to discuss such a project.