Bodyleasing – what is it? Bodyleasing in the IT industry

Almost every enterprise needs IT support at some point in its operation. The need to hire skilled workers with specific qualifications arises, but this is very costly. For extensive projects, you can use an outsourcing service or create your own temporary IT team. However, if the project is not a typical day-to-day challenge, body leasing is worthwhile. What is body leasing and team leasing and what benefits can it bring to your organization?
What is “bodyleasing” and what is employee leasing?
The slogan “body leasing,” also written collectively as bodyleasing, contains two members. The key one is “leasing,” a form of financing a good and putting it to use without buying it. On the other hand, the member “body” indicates that the leased will not be an object, but a person. More precisely – the skills of a given specialist will be leased for a certain period of time, who will become a member of a given organization without being hired. Body leasing is generally handled by specialized companies, which should not be confused with an employment agency. This is because the employment agency is in the business of finding candidates who will ultimately be hired, not “hired.” It is also worth separating the concept of body leasing from the case of outsourcing, which are sometimes mistakenly treated as synonymous. The difference between outsourcing and body leasing is that in the former case, there is an assignment of a task, while in body leasing, there is a literal lending of an employee or “hiring of employees.” The effectiveness of body leasing therefore depends primarily on the work environment and organizational culture created by the company using such a service. Clearly, a leased employee cannot be left alone – he should go through a basic implementation process.
IT body leasing – outsourcing of a temporary employee
As you might guess, the innovative body leasing solution has emerged most quickly in innovative industries. It is in IT – an extremely broad and rapidly changing industry – that body leasing is most successful. This is because, as a rule, work in this sector mainly consists of specific projects. It is often the case that it is necessary to enlist the help of a specialist in a narrow field previously unknown to the organization. This is often the case in the area of databases, when the need to use MySQL instead of the previously familiar PostgreSQL arises. Hiring a full-time employee misses the point, as such a specialist will not be needed once the project is completed. So instead of being bound by an employment contract for two weeks or two months, you can take advantage of employee leasing. This is a beneficial solution for you and the specialist from an organizational point of view. Both parties are spared the tedious recruitment process and can begin working together immediately. At the same time, the parties are clear about their expectations and the work tools needed and offered. The organization can check the credentials of the specialist and verify the past portfolio, which helps minimize the risk of a slip-up and a “failed transfer.”
Advantages of body leasing as part of IT services
It is no coincidence that body leasing has taken hold in our market, moreover, it is growing very rapidly. Employers are eager to choose specific competencies over hiring individuals full-time. There is merit in the many benefits associated with the use of this form of cooperation. Among the most important advantages of body leasing are:
- Quick start of cooperation – in the case of body leasing, there is no need for an expensive and time-consuming recruitment process, the IT specialist carries out tasks right away.
- Transparency of expectations – each entity knows what the requirements and expectations of the other party are, and everything is also included in the body leasing contract.
- Predictability of cooperation – the contract is concluded for a fixed period, it is a temporary job, which makes both parties know how long the cooperation will last.
- A breath of fresh air in the team – a leased specialist will look at the problem with fresh eyes and bring a new point of view to the process, even in the short term.
- Independent opinion – the technological solutions developed so far are subjected to impartial evaluation, and areas for improvement will be pointed out if necessary.
- Knowledge transfer – the leased specialist leaves some of his skills, and this knowledge can be successfully implemented into the company’s know-how.
- No employee costs – the body leasing co-op does not impose any obligation on you to pay temporary employees for sick pay or paid leave.
- Increase the efficiency of the company – hiring a specialist will allow you to deal with the problem efficiently, which will free up staff resources and increase the efficiency of the company.
Body contract leasing of employees – know the law!
Although personnel outsourcing involves obtaining an employee without establishing an employment relationship, it is still necessary to settle mutual obligations. Legally, the hiring of an employee under body leasing is done through civil law obligations. This means that the body leasing contract – which is not a classic form of employment – refers to the Civil Code, not the Labor Code. This is another – besides the contract for work or a contract of mandate – civil law contract successfully operating in the IT market. This means that the obligation to complete the paperwork is in the interest not only of the company that decides on body leasing, but also of the employee who is the provider of the desired services. It is worth mentioning that when the task is entrusted to a temporary employment agency, the Law on the Employment of Temporary Employees applies. Make sure your body leasing contract includes the following seven elements:
- Details of the purchaser (the company that decides on bodyleasing): full name of the company, tax ID, REGON or KRS, address of the company’s headquarters, name of the person authorized to conclude the contract on behalf of the company.
- Data of the Contractor (the person who “provides” the relevant competence): name, residential address, PESEL number. If body leasing is initiated by a person with a sole proprietorship, information about the company’s name and VAT and REGON numbers should also be included.
- Precise definition of the subject matter of the contract, i.e. what exactly is needed from the IT field and what the end result should be to the satisfaction of the Employer.
- The obligations of the Employer and the Contractor, that is, the peculiar rights and obligations of both parties both in a positive format (something is to be done) and in a negative format (something must not be done).
- Deadlines – the first deadline to enter is the period during which the body leasing will last, the next deadline is the number of hours worked or the cut-off dates for the completion of various stages of the project.
- Remuneration – on what basis it will be calculated, until when and how it will be paid, and whether improper performance of IT tasks allows imposing contractual penalties on the Contractor.
- Legible signatures of both parties – without this element, the contract will be invalid under the law!
Temporary work in the company through the eyes of the supplier
Body leasing is often discussed solely from the position of a company deciding to hire a specialist instead of hiring an employee. However, it is worth noting how the whole process looks through the eyes of a person meeting the company’s needs, and how such a model of operation differs from full-time cooperation. First of all, bodyleasing has a great deal of freedom in it, which is valuable for three reasons. First – it is a guarantee of challenges and the absence of boring, repetitive tasks, which effectively protects against professional burnout. This problem is becoming more widespread every year and, unfortunately, affects a number of IT professionals. Secondly, it’s the flexibility that allows you to decide the dimension of your work yourself. At bodyleasing, you can find people working both a few days a month and professionals spending 10-12 hours a day at work. Third, it’s quite a lot of leeway to choose which entity you want to sign a contract with and which one you don’t want to work with for various reasons.
Is it difficult to establish a body leasing contract?
It would seem that the search for an entity interested in the services of IT representatives is tedious and tiresome. There is no denying the importance of a sense of stability and the certainty that there will be no prolonged downtime without an impact on wages. Is there anything to worry about? Absolutely not! The popularity of body leasing makes it possible to seamlessly find a new environment right after the previous contract is fulfilled. This, in turn, guarantees continuity of work and attractive earnings in a system similar to freelancing. In addition, actually specialized people who are conscientious about their duties without the slightest problem will find entities willing to sign the contract. By nurturing your reputation through customer satisfaction, hassle-free contact and substantive support, you can get free advertising “through the grapevine.” Is such a search for entities tiring and time-consuming? Sometimes yes, however, there is a solution for that! If a person wants to focus solely on professional work without seeking new contracts, he or she can work with an agency. These entities connect the two parties on an intermediary basis – they make contact where a specialist is needed and recommend their employees to other companies.
Is it still worth using a software house?
Body leasing in the short term and with a nearly completed project is a favorable strategy for the organization. However, if your company needs to delegate an entire task or expects an ongoing, long-term relationship, it is worth opting for outsourcing IT services to a software house. In this regard, it is worth considering competent and proven programmers operating in companies with an established market reputation. The IT specialists at 4B Systems are eager to take on complex projects, while ensuring a culture of cooperation at the highest level. All arrangements will be included in the outsourcing contract, which can last for many months. The flexible model of cooperation with 4B Systems allows us to quickly proceed with a specific task, without the costly process of recruiting an employee. Comprehensive outsourcing and entrusting us to handle IT is also a more favorable financial solution in many cases. In addition to the obvious offsetting of the cost of maintaining an employee, cooperation in the form of a subscription is cheaper than body leasing, since in our case there is no need for exclusive cooperation. By serving other companies, we can offer more attractive prices, while guaranteeing the preservation of confidential information in the case of an NDA agreement.

4B Systems
4B Systems Software House Śląsk | Gliwice | Katowice | Warszawa. Kodowanie aplikacji webowych i mobilnych na zlecenie.