BlogMarketingIncrease the effectiveness of your online campaign with a landing page!

Increase the effectiveness of your online campaign with a landing page!

According to the well-known saying: as they see you, so they write you. It is extremely important that the site right after loading presents interesting, engaging content. Why? Because based on the first impression, a potential customer may decide to stay on the site or leave it. An attractive landing page will effectively help to increase conversions and, consequently, realize the sales potential of a website.

What is a landing page?

The name landing page literally translates as “the page you land on,” and that name really encapsulates the whole point. In the simplest terms, a landing page is the first thing a customer will see when they type in your website’s web address. The landing page can also be reached from a redirect link, which is defined under the interactive banner or within the anchor of the link in the text. Most often, it is the home page on a given site or the top one pager, or so-called. business card page. The final form and shape of the landing page will be determined by the main goal the company wants to achieve or the impression it wants to make. It could be an advertising clip, a call-to-action slogan, a collection of interactive tiles, an offer to sign up for a newsletter or another form of self-presentation. It is important that the landing page harmonizes with the composition of the rest of the site – an elegant gold-and-black background, solemn language and a font imitating quill writing will not match the colorful page of a private nursery or a language school for children.

Features of an ideal landing page

A landing page is like the first eye contact with a customer – you won’t get a chance to make “first impressions” again. To talk about a thoughtful and effective landing page, you should include the following elements:

  • Corporate identity – the customer needs to know that they have “landed” in the right place, so just put the logo or logotype in a prominent place;
  • Simple, short text – a wall of text or complicated language will discourage a person from reading further, so formulate short, concise messages;
  • Redirect buttons – the customer should be able to interact with your site through the landing page, such as going to the discounted products section;
  • Call-to-action – an important element of the landing page, which will be a direct incentive to take action, e.g. “Check it out now!”, “Take advantage!”;
  • Attractive layout – let’s agree, each of us would prefer to use a site where the background does not bite into the text, and the whole looks aesthetically pleasing;

How does a landing page increase the effectiveness of a campaign?

Do not underestimate the power of persuasion and the opportunities offered by the landing page. Many software houses spend at least a dozen man-hours in cooperation with marketing agencies to make the landing page work properly and be attractive to view. Someone might think that this is form over substance, but this is not the case. How your landing page looks often determines the appeal of your brand in the eyes of the customer at first contact. An elaborate, interesting form of landing page subconsciously creates in the customer’s mind an attractive image of a given product or service, and often also of the company. On the other hand – a chaotic, unsightly landing page can scare away the customer, who will feel confused or attribute a lack of professionalism to the company. Based on our years of experience, we are able to prepare for you an engaging and inviting landing page that will clearly improve your website’s conversion. Contact us and see how 4b Systems can help CI realize the potential of a landing page!

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