Software for direct sales

Distributor account | Referral links | Online store | Commission settlements

Why choose MLMseed for your business?

Whether you are already selling your products or services through a field sales network billed on the effect, or you are just starting out, bet on proven IT solutions that will ensure the stable development of your business. Read why you should choose MLMseed.

We have been working in the MLM industry for many years

We have been developing software for companies basing their sales on multi-level structures for many years. Compensation, cosmetics, supplements, photovoltaics. You can trust us.


The security of the data entrusted to us is crucial for any company. That’s why we attach the utmost importance to constantly improving security.


Depending on your preference, we can provide a server for your CRM system, or install the system on a designated server that you own.

Development and service

We ensure that the system can be expanded and modified to meet the needs of your company.

Implementation and training

We will implement the system in your company and conduct employee training.

24/7 technical support

We provide full technical support and helpdesk 24/7. If you have a problem with the system – call or write, we will help.

Usability and functionality of the system

MLMseed handles a number of processes. Orders, claims, online payments, reference links, online store and sales network commission billing. These are just some of the features available.

License variants

You can choose the license variant that is more advantageous for your organization – a perpetual license or a subscription billed per system user.

Not sure how to start digitizing Your company?

Are you just opening your first MLM business? Or maybe you want to change your existing system to MLMseed? Do you have questions? Call us for a free consultation.

MLMseed functionalities

Get acquainted with the functionalities of the software for selling the product service in the MLM model.

Administrator panel

This is the most important part of the system. Here you add products, marketing plan, commission release rules. You have access to manage orders, shipments, accrual of discounts and promotions on products and services. You can also have an internal blog and chat communication with traders.

Order processing

Order processing module – payment processing, order status change, returns, complaints and shipments.

Reference links

Your salespeople can popularize the online store and MLM model sales by having reference links to the store and recruitment landing pages. They can receive commissions for referrals and sales.

User panel

Access for your salespeople. Users can place online orders, refer new people to the sales structure and promote the online store through referral links.

Online shop

You can also sell your products and services offered in the MLM network online with an online store. Your merchants can also use the store.

Marketing plan

We code individual marketing plans so that the MLMseed algorithm calculates the commissions due to your salespeople.

Choose a Subscription Plan tailored to Your needs

Run MLMseed software in your business on a subscription or perpetual license basis. The choice of options is yours.


69 PLN



99,00 PLN



745,00 PLN



1069,00 PLN


Looking for a customized system implementation in Your company?

Do you want to commission unique system modifications or implement a CRM system with a perpetual license? Do you have a large sales structure and want to establish a customized implementation?

Questions and answers

What is multi-level-marketing?

More and more products and services are being sold through a multilevel marketing model – multi-level marketing. MLM is an excellent method to inexpensively distribute products and services and gain a sales network rewarded on success. This makes the MLM market grow year on year. How to find the optimal web solution for your own business? Make an appointment for an MLMseed presentation and learn about our system. You will learn more about what we can offer your company.

Can I order a unique interface (layout) for my store page?

As part of the software implementation, we offer a standard layout for the online store. However, if you would like something more unique – you can order the implementation of a unique graphic or a different template for your store page.

What is the cost of implementing the MLMseed system?

The price of implementing the system depends on the selected license form. If installed on an external server, the price is higher. In addition, the price of implementation will increase if you order unique modifications (changing the layout of the online store page or system). For an offer tailored to your needs and organization, contact us.

This is a staging environment