– a new tool to promote short-term rentals – a new tool to promote short-term rentals

Short-term apartment rentals are a type of service gaining popularity in Poland. Although the industry seemed to be dominated by hotels, guesthouses and other business entities, more and more private individuals are offering their apartment for rent. This occupation can be a good source of income or salary supplement, as long as the whole process is properly and skillfully managed. With private owners in mind, was created – a holistic tool for conducting reservations for a house, apartment or room in a condo.

The popularity of short-term rentals

According to industry portals, nearly 1 million individuals reported rental income from real estate in their 2022 PIT. While many are offering the unit for long-term rental, there is a growing number of landlords offering apartments for short periods. Much of the interest is due to the fact that it is a popular alternative to hotels. Short-term rentals are gaining in price – a comparable price can be found for an entire apartment instead of a hotel room with a bathroom. Also appealing to many people is the fact that you can feel more privacy in your own apartment than in a hotel. Not having to buy hotel food is also a plus – free access to a kitchen and cutlery and utensils are important for many travelers. The peculiar smell of chlorine from the pool, which can be felt in the hotel corridors, can also be problematic. Not surprisingly, travelers are increasingly opting for short-term private accommodations instead of hotels.

Short-term apartment rentals and high competition

With an increasing number of offers, using short-term rentals offers attractive locations for potential accommodation. Some people are also driven by the idea of supporting individuals instead of corporations, and prefer to look for short term housing with a host rather than a global hotel chain. On the one hand, this prompts travelers to look for a place outside the leading portals. On the other hand, it causes that like mushrooms after rain, offers appear, where apartments located in an attractive location practically book themselves. Is this a problem for tenants entering the market? Absolutely not! Demand related to ease of travel is such that more and more people will use such solutions. It seems reasonable, therefore, to offer an unoccupied unit instead of getting rid of it and selling it on the secondary market.

Challenges, advantages and disadvantages of short-term rentals

The vast majority of tenants see the investment as an opportunity for significant income, often amounting to double the average salary. However, the presence of an occupant leaves its traces, and the search for guests itself can also cause a lot of problems. Typical challenges associated with rental properties include:

  • Increased competition and rental popularity – emerging offers are a natural consequence of rental demand, which requires constant updating of pricing policies.
  • Costly promotions on third-party sites – in order to gain a competitive edge on sites such as, it is necessary to purchase a relatively expensive advertising package.
  • Time-consuming “reception work” – When offering a property for rent, apartment owners become receptionists answering phone calls and emails or checking in their guests.
  • Uncertainty of occupancy of the apartment – in the case of a long-term lease, the continuity of use of the premises is maintained, which means a certain, stable and predictable profit.
  • Greater susceptibility to the occurrence of damage – unfortunately, many people still have a “not mine, I don’t have to respect” attitude, with the consequence that it is easier to get a scratched pan or broken mirror.

While people’s mentality and respect for other people’s property cannot be changed, the four previous disadvantages can be controlled, or even eliminated. When combating inconveniences and challenges, homeowners should use tools such as – this is what you should know about it!

Short-term rentals have become popular and widely available, meaning that anyone can share and promote their property. While there are many intermediaries on the market – such as Airbnb and Booking – new, cheaper, more convenient and better alternatives are still being sought. To avoid problematic billing, horrendous promotional costs or intensified competition, it is worth betting on independence. That solution is, a holistic online booking system developed by a Polish software house. A rich package of tools will help you with a variety of issues: from preparing the website of the offer to constructing the rules and regulations of the facility, contacting customers to taxation of income. The Polish-speaking support team helps both with the first steps and familiarization with the tool, as well as with questions in further use.

Who is designed for? is a solution aimed at individuals: homeowners and apartment owners who operate or are just starting to operate short-term rentals. Whether it’s a vacation home in Mragowo, a studio apartment in the Tri-City or a penthouse in Warsaw, any short-term rental property is welcome. You don’t need to have previous experience – is designed to make renting an apartment even easier than you thought! But it’s not just tenant convenience that’s important here – the developers have taken care of comfort on the part of the tenants. The clear, lightweight and fully responsive website will allow you to get acquainted with the offer and instantly book the date of your choice. And this is just the beginning of the possibilities – with short-term rentals pay off even more! functionalities for landlords

Forget about registering a business, choosing PKD codes or paying VAT – run a short-term rental apartment as a private person! With Bookable, you can add as many apartments as you want and each of them can be managed completely independently and seamlessly. Do you want to announce a promotion, a seasonal price cut, or maybe, on the contrary, you plan to raise prices due to heavy traffic? With Bookable you will conveniently adjust the rates, and the update will immediately appear on the website. A stable cloud server will allow you to add photos of the premises and complete the description, which will increase interest in the offer. You can also add a list with the equipment of the apartment: inform whether an iron, smoke detector, towels or hair dryer are available on site. The automation available will relieve you of tedious administrative duties and help you accommodate and check out guests. You will get to know all the capabilities of during the free seven-day trial period. functionalities for tenants

A growing number of people appreciate short-term apartment rentals and the independence that comes with it. Quite a number of those willing to spend the night decide to look for offers outside of hotels, not infrequently reaching for offers available on social media . And for this purpose, has prepared really solid solutions. A clear website will allow you to learn about the offer and contact the owner. Book an appointment through an interactive calendar that shows real-time venue availability. Forget about leafing through documents – the contract in the form of clear terms and conditions will be available when finalizing the booking. Conveniently pay for your stay – if a deposit or prepayment is required, the system will allow online settlement through several available operators. And if any questions arise before your stay, on site or after you’ve checked out, the landlord communication module is at your service!

Feel the difference with

The short-term rental market has its advantages and disadvantages, on which the landlord’s income depends. With, you can effectively forecast revenue, responding instantly to any emerging trends. Many difficult situations for the tourism industry, including. COVID-19 pandemic showed what a huge difference digitizing the accommodation can make. You should also think about distributed marketing, i.e. placing ads on travel portals, social media or on your own website. Aggregated communication tools and the development of sales channels will attract more tourists. With, you will easily unify the places where you acquire leads, which will further relieve you of the tedious task of reviewing emails and SMS booking requests. And while there are issues that you absolutely have to take care of manually, such as making sure your apartment building is cleaned, there are many things that the online booking system will take care of for you. helps enter short-term rental market

Understanding the real estate market and methods of short-term, private rental of premises does not require experience or expertise. All you need is support, a kind of signpost that will support you in starting such a form of rental. Under current regulations, earning money from real estate is legal without setting up a business and without changing the property tax rate – you just have to meticulously account for income tax. The aforementioned signpost will be, which will help you enter the market. It’s your step-by-step virtual assistant that will help a landlord prepare an apartment listing – even one that hasn’t dealt with rentals before. No middlemen, no real estate agents taking commissions – manage your property yourself and enjoy the profits.

Find out if short-term rentals pay off!

Prepared by 4B Systems, the tool helps in a real way to earn rent. Most apartments in long-term rentals generate a stable but much smaller income than in short-term rentals. Assuming that the monthly salary for a long-term lease is 2,500 zlotys, it would be enough for an apartment to be booked for a week every month at 360 zlotys to already make a bigger profit. Three weeks as a buffer of diminished interest is a very large supply, which in all likelihood will not be exhausted even when interest is low. With, you’ll be able to change your property’s rental policy from long term to short term and enjoy the benefits of renting! Be sure to apply for a free trial period – test for seven days with no obligation and no hidden fees.

4B Systems Software House Śląsk | Gliwice | Katowice | Warszawa. Kodowanie aplikacji webowych i mobilnych na zlecenie.

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