LegallyCRM software implementation at Fenix Law Firm

The project included the implementation and dedicated modifications of CRM software - LegallyCRM at Fenix Law Firm.

Project goals achieved:

Mateusz Szałański

Mateusz Szałański

Prezes Zarządu Kancelaria Prawna Fenix sp. z o.o.

“Working with 4B Systems to implement a CRM system in the claims industry has become a model for effectively combining industry expertise with modern technology solutions. From the very beginning, 4B Systems has demonstrated not only a deep understanding of our needs, but also flexibility and openness to individual solutions. Thanks to their involvement, the CRM system was tailored to the specifics of the law firm’s business, which significantly improved customer relationship management and the flow of information within the organization.

The effectiveness of the implemented CRM system can be seen on many levels, from better organization of work, to increased customer satisfaction, to increased operational efficiency of the law firm. The partnership with 4B Systems is an example of how the right tools and competencies can contribute to business growth in today’s fast-changing world.
I can confidently recommend 4B Systems as a trusted partner in the implementation of CRM systems. Their professionalism, commitment and willingness to adapt to the specific needs of the client are a guarantee of the success of each project.”

Establishing cooperation with Fenix Law Firm sp. z o.o.

Fenix Law Firm sp. z o.o. deals with a wide spectrum of legal services – consumer bankruptcy, banking disputes in claims under franking agreements, debt restructuring, compensation.

Due to the growth of its services and number of cases, Fenix Law Firm was looking for a stable and secure CRM solution. In 2019. The law firm approached us to implement LegallyCRM software, which we target legal service providers. An analysis of the law firm’s needs and ongoing processes showed that LegallyCRM software needed to be further customized.

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LegallyCRM software implementation and modifications

In order to ensure the highest security standards, the law firm decided to install the software on its own servers. The law firm’s specialization in debt collection cases also meant that necessary modifications to the system had to be made, which were implemented only in the client’s system.

Programming of debt collection functionality

Fenix Law Firm, which specializes in handling debt collection cases, has commissioned, among other things. The following modifications to the LegallyCRM system.

Harmonogram płatności

A module that organizes client payments under concluded contracts. Payment date, due date, amount, payment status. Allows control of accounts receivable due.

Upadłość konsumencka

Ability to register a new type of case – consumer bankruptcy. Creation of a personalized form for adding a case, which includes all relevant information about the case. this type of service.

Modyfikacje istniejących modułów

Minor modifications to modules related to payment reporting, case filtering.

Summary of CRM implementation at law firm Fenix sp. z o.o.

Below is a brief summary of the programming work done for Fenix Law Firm sp. z o.o.

In this project we used

LegallyCRM is a CRM system prepared for law firms – debt collection, compensation, attorneys and counselors.

Technology stack

Learn more about the technologies used in this project and see how you would use them at your place!

Start digitizing your law firm today!

Don’t wait to start your law firm’s digital transformation process. Without digitalization, further development may not be possible. If you are looking for IT support and implementation of modern tools in your law firm, contact us. Implementing CRM, AI chatbots, OCR of documentation, time measurement and many other functionalities will help your law firm grow.

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