BlogIT marketSoftware for companiesWhat tasks can be outsourced to software houses?

What tasks can be outsourced to software houses?

Working with software houses on an outsourced task basis is convenient and saves time. Many companies can thus save money and reduce the costs that would be generated by their own IT team. If your company hasn’t worked with software houses before, you’re probably wondering what specifically can be outsourced. What tasks can you delegate to specialists employed by software houses?

Task 1: Preparation and maintenance of the website

This is the most popular task outsourced to software houses by most companies. This solution is chosen by micro-activities and self-employed, but also by recognizable international brands. While writing a website is a popular order, many companies forget to regularly monitor, improve and “patch” it. These labor- and time-consuming tasks can be entrusted to software houses that have extensive experience in working with a variety of entities and know what solutions will prove to be the best. The financial aspect is also not insignificant. When calculating the expenses arising from hiring an IT team and the cost of working with software houses, it will be cheaper to outsource.

Task 2: Designing a mobile application

Statistically, 7 out of 10 visitors to your website do so from a mobile device. It’s no secret that smartphones have become our essentials, and one of the more effective channels of communication. Therefore, an increasing number of entrepreneurs are adapting their operations to mobile customers. Mobile apps are a good choice for those who want to stay in touch with their customers. Some companies choose such a solution in the form of an intranet, for internal communication and daily tasks. Such an app can itself be a source of income, if only by offering mobile games with micropayments. 

Task 3: Create an internal intranet network

In an earlier assignment, we mentioned the intranet, which is a special network that can only be accessed by people inside the organization. The tasks carried out through the intranet range from document circulation to creating service requests to acting as a newsletter. With its versatility, there is no doubt that an intranet should be seen as an essential for any digitized company. The software house, after identifying needs, setting priorities and defining expectations, will create an internal intranet network and configure access points. Also integral is the creation of security features that will authorize access to the intranet.

Task 4: Establish network security

When the duties are over, the workplace is cleaned up, documents are locked, and the company is secured with burglar-proof systems. Do you take similar care of your digitized part of the enterprise and protect it from hacking attacks? Are your safeguards difficult enough to overcome? Setting up network security is one of the tasks you can outsource to software houses. Prepared firewalls are constantly monitored, and any attempts at data theft or information leakage are immediately caught. As a result, the cyber-security of the enterprise increases, and you don’t have to worry about attacks crippling the organization.

Task 5: Preparation of platforms for e-commerce

It would seem that in the age of free e-commerce software, creating your own online store is quick and easy. Nothing could be further from the truth, the “ready-made” products offered have many inconveniences, such as limited payment options or the need to pay commissions on turnover. This task is better left to IT specialists, who will prepare a tailor-made online store from scratch. It will not only be functional, but also aesthetically pleasing – after all, intuitiveness and clear navigation positively influence the consumer’s decision-making process. The software house will also take care of security and tell you how to navigate the backend of your store, such as adding products or editing the page description.

Task 6: Using SaaS’s own resources

Finally, we leave an item that is not created strictly on contract, but is offered by some software houses. We are talking about SaaS applications, that is, applications that can be purchased for access and used as the business needs. For example, if a company needs a reliable, simple and versatile CRM system, it doesn’t need to have the program written from scratch. It can choose off-the-shelf solutions such as SalesWizard. This not only saves time, but also money – the system can be used right away, and you only pay for use, with no compensation for creating the software. Payments are in the form of a subscription, so costs in your business are predictable as well.

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