BlogMarketingAcquiring customers in the automotive industry through an online ordering system

Acquiring customers in the automotive industry through an online ordering system

These days, not only because of the coronavirus pandemic, but also because of Internet and technological developments, more and more services are being offered online. This applies to many industries, including the broader automotive industry. Customers get tired of calling or waiting in lines. Each of us works, has passions, family life and, above all, we live in a world where we constantly lack time. Therefore, it is more convenient and better to schedule the service online at any time, on a specific day and time.

In which automotive fields will an online ordering system be useful?

Auto-detailing workshops – the customer has a choice of specific, time-measurable service packages, such as polishing and waxing the paint, applying a ceramic layer, repairing the windshield, washing the upholstery or performing SPOT painting and others. You can easily make an appointment for these services online by selecting a specific option or package. More and more garages are also offering Door to Door service, meaning they pick up the car from under your house, perform the service and drop it off at your home or work.

Vulcanization Plants – during the season of changing tires from summer to winter and vice versa, plants extend their working hours and have their hands full. It is possible to call and make an appointment, but with a lot of work and time pressure, an employee can make a mistake – such as writing down the time incorrectly. On the other hand, waiting in line for an hour or more for your turn is not a good option. Wouldn’t it be better online to select a free window in the calendar and make an appointment for a specific time?

Diagnostic stations – the annual technical examination of cars takes about an hour. Thus, it is a fixed service, with a fixed duration, for which a fixed fee is charged. It would be convenient for both the Diagnostic Station and customers to be able to schedule inspection appointments online. Imagine you’re at work, you’ve been reminded of an expiring inspection but can’t get through. In a minute on the online site you make an appointment for any time and go after work to arrange an inspection. Sounds good right?

Driving schools – those attending a driving course or wishing to buy a few hours of driving before the test or to brush up on their skills could also find it more convenient to make an appointment online. Or did you happen to call an instructor who didn’t answer, was in the car with the student and listened with one ear or couldn’t be heard? I think many people have encountered this, and the online ordering system is a solution to this problem for both parties.

Pros of having a customized online ordering system for an automotive company

  • The online ordering system is a full-fledged, responsive website where you can put information about your business, opening hours, services. So the company has its own website with the ability to sell services online at a very favorable monthly price with no sales commission.
  • The admin panel gives you the ability to edit and make changes to the site in real time. This will ensure that the site always has only up-to-date information.
  • The admin panel gives you the ability to edit and make changes to the site in real time. This will ensure that the site always has only up-to-date information.
  • We are building a base of regular customers to whom we can direct SMS and MAIL marketing content from the system also with possible discounts. Such a system provides an opportunity for marketing activities to encourage repeat business.
  • A company with a customized online ordering system will be much more competitive in the market, which can lead to more customers. The online site also helps strengthen the brand in the local market.
  • The online ordering system allows for cashless payments and hourly service appointments, so that during the coronavirus pandemic the company limits the number of people in one place at any given time.
  • Great savings in time and, consequently, also save money.

Pros of using an online ordering system for automotive customers

  • The ability to order the service in minutes at any time, place and time. The customer has the opportunity to get to know the range of services at ease. The online system gives the customer the opportunity to order the service for a specific, free hour.
  • The site for the customer is easy to use and, above all, intuitive – no one will have a problem with its operation.
  • Save time – no need to call, wait on line or stand in lines. And as the saying goes: time is money. Another plus is that there are no errors or ambiguities in the performance of the service – everything is black and white in the system.
  • Ability to choose a convenient payment option, including online.

Orderengine online ordering system offers

4B Systems sp. z o.o. offers implementation of Orderengine system for online ordering at a fixed monthly fee with no hidden costs or commissions on services sold.

A huge plus of the Orderengine system is its continuous development. The system is evolving month by month so that their customers will receive free updates once in a while. The new functionalities will allow the company to further develop and strengthen its position in the local market.

4B Systems sp. z o.o. develops online ordering systems for the food service, fitness, dance school, beauty, automotive and other industries.

4B Systems Software House Śląsk | Gliwice | Katowice | Warszawa. Kodowanie aplikacji webowych i mobilnych na zlecenie.

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