Key IT technology trends in 2023
The past 2023 is over, so it's time to take stock! What technology trends in the IT industry in 2023 have proven to be the most important? – a new tool to promote short-term rentals
Short-term rental properties are gaining popularity. For individuals offering short-term rentals, was created.
6 CRM functions that will prove crucial to your business
A CRM system is a useful tool in any organization. Which CRM system functionalities will prove to be the most important for the company?
Bodyleasing – what is it? Bodyleasing in the IT industry
Bodyleasing is gaining popularity among the IT sector. What is bodyleasing and what are the advantages of this form of cooperation?
What tasks can be outsourced to software houses?
Working with software houses on an outsourced basis is convenient, saves time and money. What tasks will the software house perform?
Why work with software houses?
Wondering if it's worth it to work with a software house? Click and see why you should work with software houses!
Is it worth it to have an apartment or guesthouse website for short-term rentals?
Do you run a short-term rental or guesthouse and don't have your own website? Read this article and learn that it's worth it.
7 characteristics of an effective website
Wondering what makes a website successful? Learn 7 features that will help you achieve your business goals in the online space!
Is a company website necessary?
A professionally made website is one of the basic tools for doing business in the 21st century. Check out why you should have your own website!