Case studies of completed projects

Tomasz Socha

Tomasz Socha

CEO 4B Systems sp. z o.o.

“If you are looking for a contractor for your project or just want to consult on your startup idea, contact us! Find out more about what projects we have done below.”

See what projects we are working on

Machine learning in DIY fashion
Read the case study of the module implementation made on the basis of a research work in cooperation with the University of Economics in Katowice for WearMeUp.Club
Online ordering system for print shops

Read how we developed an online ordering system for self-adhesive labels – – for our client FlexOn Printing House.

Our client’s goal was to create a professional yet warm and friendly website that presents the Hypnobirthing method in an accessible way and allows easy enrollment in online and in-person courses.
Reservation system development

Read how we helped develop a proprietary system for handling ski trip bookings in the Alps and Pyrenees.

Strengthening the development team

Read how we helped develop the project by adding Python programmers to the development team.

Implementation of SalesWizard CRM

Implementation of SaaS SalesWizard software with a package of unique modifications.

CRM implementation in a law firm

The project included the selection and implementation of CRM software – LegallyCRM at the Frejowski CHF law firm, as well as further maintenance and development of the software.

CRM software development in a law firm

Acquisition of the development of a CRM web application based on Laravel, PHP, MySQL and Vue.js technology to manage the law firm’s cases, documents and contacts.

CRM implementation in a law firm

The project included implementation and dedicated modifications of CRM software – LegallyCRM at Adversum Kancelaria Prawniczo-Brokerska sp. z o.o.

CRM implementation in a law firm

The project included implementation and dedicated modifications of CRM software – LegallyCRM at JM Kancelaria Prawna sp. z o.o.

CRM implementation in a law firm

The project included the implementation and dedicated modifications of CRM software – LegallyCRM at Fenix Law Firm.

CRM implementation in a law firm

The project included the implementation of CRM software – LegallyCRM at Legal Media sp. z o.o.

CRM implementation in a law firm

The project included implementation and dedicated modifications of CRM software – LegallyCRM at DM LEX Sp. z o.o.

Want to consult on your project or planning to launch a startup?

Whether you are at the beginning of the road of building a startup, looking for a software house to carry out your project, or perhaps looking for a team to develop an existing project, you can consult us.

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